American Kennel club Bernese Mountain Dog ‘Ulli’ Wins 2024 National Owner-Handled Series Best in Show

The National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) Finals took place on December 14 in Orlando, FL, as part of the AKC National Championship, Presented by Royal Canin. This year, 829 dogs competed, narrowed down into Best in Groups and then Best in Show at the NOHS Finals. The top 10 owner-handled dogs in each breed were invited to compete in the finals, with a total of 204 breeds and varieties represented.

After owner-handled dogs were chosen in each breed group, the top dog was awarded Best in Show by Mr. Michael Faulkner.

NOHS Best in Show​

In the 2024 National Owner-Handled Series Finals, Best in Show was awarded to “Ulli,” a Bernese Mountain Dog. Ulli, GCHG CH Windfall Adesa 3 Wire Winter @ Emerald Mtn CD RN FDC CGC, is handled by Beth Dennehy, and bred by Kris Hayko and Michael Knicely, DVM. Ulli is owned by Dennehy, WM Rogers, K. Hayko, and B. Kinley-Blewett


The American Kennel Club

NOHS Reserve Best in Show​

Reserve Best in Show was awarded to Saluki “Flash” GCHG DC Baha Bahrain Storm RN MC, handled by Dr. Caroline Coile. Coile and Carol Perotta own Flash, and the dog was bred by Coile, Betsy Cummings, and Jamey Lambert.

NOHS Group Winners​

Herding Group​

Call Name: Mowgli

Registered Name: GCHG CH Midnight White Sugarok Strut My Stuff At Nallie’S CGC

Breed: Finnish Lapphund

Owned By: Alexandra Barbas, Liane Tofani, and Stephen Hall

Bred By: Liane Tofani and Linda Marden

Hound Group​

Call Name: Flash

Registered Name: GCHG DC Baha Bahrain Storm RN MC

Breed: Saluki

Owned By: Caroline Perotta and Caroline Coile

Bred By: Betsy Cummings, Jamey Lambert, and Dr. Caroline Coile

Non-Sporting Group​

Call Name: Hugo

Registered Name: GCHG CH Rio’s Where Hugo I Go CGC ATT

Breed: Chow Chow

Owned By: Elizabeth McElroy

Bred By: Amy Frick, Ronron Eugenio, and Leo Andrew Eugenio

Sporting Group​

Call Name: Luca

Registered Name: GCHB CH Roaneden’s Shorelander

Breed: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Owned By: Christine and Robert Jones

Bred By: Christine and Robert Jones

Terrier Group​

Call Name: Reign

Registered Name: GCHS CH First Class Flawless My Dear

Breed: Bedlington Terrier

Owned By: Priscilla Boland

Bred By: Jacquelyn Fogel and Chris Mackenzie

Toy Group​

Call Name: Mando

Registered Name: CH Bayside This Is The Way

Breed: Toy Manchester Terrier

Owned By: Haley Stillman

Bred By: Dianna L. Texter and Michael J. Texter

Working Group​

Call Name: Ulli

Registered Name: GCHG CH Windfall Adesa 3 Wire Winter @ Emerald Mtn CD RN FDC CGC

Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog

Owned By: Beth Dennehy, WM Rogers, Kris Hayko, and B. Kinley-Blewett

Bred By: Kris Hayko and Michael Knicely D.V.M.

The post Bernese Mountain Dog ‘Ulli’ Wins 2024 National Owner-Handled Series Best in Show appeared first on American Kennel Club.


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