American Kennel club Nosebleeds in Dogs: What to Know

If your dog accidentally butts heads with another pet, it might trigger a dog nosebleed. Other times, the reason for nosebleeds in dogs (medically known as epistaxis) might not be so obvious. Whatever the cause, it can be messy and alarming. The priority is to keep yourself and your dog calm and to stop the bleeding.

Regardless of whether your dog sneezes a few drops or a lot of blood is coming out, a dog nosebleed isn’t something to ignore. Once the bleeding is under control, you’ll need to understand why the nosebleed is happening. Prompt treatment of any underlying condition is crucial.

How to Stop Nosebleed in Dogs​

Sometimes, a little trickle of blood from your dog’s nostrils will dry up before you even spot it. But if there’s a heavy flow, you need to be proactive.

Dr. Franciele Back, DVM, is an Assistant Professor in Small Animal Emergency at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oklahoma State University. If your dog experiences a nosebleed, Dr. Back recommends trying to keep yourself and your dog relaxed. Excitement can trigger an increase in blood pressure and cause even more bleeding. While staying calm, encourage your dog to lie down and relax.

Dr. Back says you should never put anything inside the nose to stop the bleeding. That would typically trigger sneezing in dogs, which can make bleeding worse. Instead, gently place a cold compress or cool pack for dogs that’s covered in clean cloths over the bridge and side of your dog’s nose. This helps constrict the blood vessels and slow the flow of blood. It’s not a good idea to give your dog any medication unless you’re directed by a vet.


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When Is a Dog Nosebleed a Veterinary Emergency?​

Dr. Back says a veterinarian should see any dog with a nosebleed. Whether they need emergency treatment depends on the size of the dog and the amount of blood. “A small amount of blood in a big dog may not be as worrying as a large amount in a small dog,” she says.

If your dog only loses a little blood and the nosebleed clears up quickly, follow your vet’s advice about whether you should wait for the next regularly available appointment. However, Dr. Back recommends evaluating how your pet is behaving overall. If your dog is lethargic, having difficulty breathing, or not eating or drinking, that is always a greater cause for concern. As a result, you might want to bring them to the emergency vet.

If the bleeding is heavy and doesn’t stop after a few minutes, get your pet to the vet right away. If your dog’s nosebleed is more of a long-lasting trickle than gushing blood, you should also take them to the vet promptly. “You can use a towel or pee pads under the head while you take the pet to the emergency service,” Dr. Back says.

If your dog experiences blunt force trauma, like being hit by a car or getting into a dog fight, Dr. Back recommends bringing them to an emergency veterinarian. “Sometimes, they can have issues that are not directly seen, such as internal bleeding,” she says. “You will need a vet to do a full physical exam and some diagnostics.”

Symptoms of Dog Nosebleeds​

Observing the details and symptoms of your dog’s nosebleed can help your veterinarian narrow down potential causes. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Is this the first time your dog has had a nosebleed? If not, how frequent and heavy are these dog nosebleeds?
  • Is the blood coming out of one nostril or both?
  • Does sneezing accompany the nosebleed, and if so, how often?
  • Is your dog pawing at their face?
  • Are they having difficulty swallowing?
  • Did you see any nasal discharge before the bleeding started?
  • Is your dog gasping or making snoring sounds?
  • Does your dog have stinky breath or pale gums?
  • Have you noticed any unusual swelling on your dog’s face?

Heavy nosebleeds can lead to your dog ingesting blood. That can result in black, tarry stool (which is actually bloody dog poop) or bloody vomit. There can be many other accompanying symptoms, depending on the underlying cause.

Causes of Dog Nosebleeds​

Dog nosebleeds are associated with many underlying causes, typically categorized as local (limited to nasal areas) or systemic (affecting the entire body).


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A study suggested that the most common causes of nosebleeds in dogs are nasal tumors and trauma. Other potential triggers for dog nosebleeds include dental problems, blood clotting disorders, nasal inflammation, high blood pressure, and low amounts of blood platelets (which help stop bleeding). Possible causes of dog nosebleeds include:

  • Foxtail awns or other foreign bodies getting stuck in the dog’s nose
  • Ingesting rat poison
  • Liver disease
  • Tooth abscesses
  • Idiopathic rhinitis (inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose)
  • Tick-borne diseases, such as ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Certain vaccinations or drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Inflammatory diseases, such as hepatic (liver) or pancreatic issues
  • Bone marrow disease
  • Fungal infections

Dr. Back explains that age can also affect dog nosebleeds. “Young dogs are more likely to have nose bleeding because of trauma — they are more active and play more than older dogs — and being intoxicated,” she says. “Older dogs are more likely to have issues related to neoplasia — tumors — causing localized bleeding issues or coagulation — clotting — disturbances.”

Dog Breeds Predisposed to Nosebleeds​

Dr. Back also mentions some breeds have a genetic predisposition to conditions that cause nosebleeds. This could be because of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), an illness that can lead to bruising and bleeding. “Their own body starts to destroy their platelets and the low numbers are not able to do the first step of coagulation as needed,” Dr. Back says. Genetic disorder where blood doesn’t clot properly (such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease) can also cause excessive bleeding if a dog experiences mild or severe trauma.

Breeds that may be more prone to nosebleeds include:

How Do Vets Diagnose the Cause of a Dog’s Nosebleed?​

Sometimes, the reason for your dog’s nosebleed may be obvious, such as if your dog has undergone trauma. However, in many cases, your vet may conduct extensive evaluations and testing to identify the underlying cause. “Ideally, we need to do a full blood work to understand what is happening,” Dr. Back says. She explains that medical imaging may be necessary to rule out issues relating to trauma or tumors. A vet may also do a blood test to detect tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichiosis.

Shetland Sheepdog laying in its bed in an office on Bring Your Dog to Work Day.

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Thankfully, much of the time, establishing the cause is possible with non-invasive testing options. However, sometimes your dog will need sedation or a general anesthetic to undergo these tests.

Tests your vet might conduct include:

  • CBC (complete blood count)
  • Coagulation (clotting) profile
  • Blood chemistry test
  • Urinalysis
  • Radiographs of the area between the neck and the abdomen
  • Abdominal ultrasounds
  • Head CT scans
  • Endoscopy (inserting a tube to allow the vet to see internal organs)
  • Biopsy

As a last resort, surgery may be necessary if your vet needs to access the area of bleeding to remove a foreign object or get a tissue sample.

How Do Vets Treat Nosebleeds in Dogs?​

If your dog’s light, controlled nosebleed relates to mild trauma, your vet may just recommend rest. When there is heavy or prolonged bleeding, initial treatment will usually focus on stemming the flow of blood. “Depending on the amount of blood loss, some patients might need fluids or, in worst cases, also a blood transfusion,” Dr. Back says. Sedation or anesthesia may also be necessary to control heavy bleeding.

Further treatment will work to manage the underlying cause of the nosebleeds. The prognosis for dog nosebleeds depends on the cause and whether they’re progressing, but early diagnosis and treatment increase the chance of a positive outlook. For example, dogs with early-stage infectious diseases may receive medication that can completely cure them.

The post Nosebleeds in Dogs: What to Know appeared first on American Kennel Club.


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