American Kennel club Thrush in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

Itchy or scaly skin and a musty odor are among the symptoms of a yeast infection or what is sometimes referred to as thrush. Thrush in dogs, also known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans. Having yeast on the skin or inside the body is normal for dogs, but an overgrowth of yeast can cause inflammation and infection.

The most common cases of localized candida in dogs are in the ear, mouth, or on the skin. Candida can also involve the urinary bladder or the gastrointestinal tract, especially in dogs that have an underlying disease such as uncontrolled diabetes, or in dogs that may be immunocompromised. Finally, it can also occur around areas of placed intravenous (IV) catheters, urinary catheters, and gastronomy tubes.

Here’s what to know about thrush in dogs, including the signs and causes of a yeast infection and how to avoid recurrent infections.

German Shepherd Dog getting a check-up at the vet.

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What Causes Thrush in Dogs?​

Yeast is a type of fungus, which are microorganisms found on the skin and mucous membranes. There are different species of yeast including Candida and Malassezia which are “part of the normal flora on a dog’s skin,” says Dr. Kelly Hood, DVM, in-house veterinary expert at “If the skin becomes inflamed due to allergies or some other disease process that reduces the pet’s immunity, the yeast flourish and start to cause problems.”

An overgrowth of yeast is called thrush or a yeast infection. Often, when there is a yeast infection in the skin, ear canals, or paws, the normal bacterial flora is affected, she says. Normal flora is also present in the nose, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract. The infection may be limited to a certain location like the ears, or it can be more widespread throughout the body.

Dogs of any age or breed can develop a yeast infection. However, dogs with skin folds or floppy ears may be more vulnerable to infection since these areas can trap moisture, which can provide a breeding ground for yeast. As a result, it’s important to dry your dog properly, including inside their ears, after they go swimming or have a bath. In addition, dogs with skin allergies tend to produce more oil on their skin, creating ideal conditions for yeast to grow and reproduce.

“A yeast infection can become part of a vicious cycle where the pet becomes so itchy due to the overgrowth that it scratches hard enough to break the skin barrier,” she says. “This is referred to as a hot spot, which is uncomfortable, even painful, and can result in more yeast and bacterial proliferation.” If untreated, the skin can become thicker and darker over time.

Signs of Thrush and How It’s Diagnosed​


The signs of thrush can vary depending on the location, extent, and severity of the yeast infection. If your dog has an ear infection, for example, you’ll notice them shaking or rubbing their head persistently. For infections involving the gastrointestinal tract, dogs may experience diarrhea or a loss of appetite.

Common symptoms of dermatologic (skin) thrush include:

  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Inflammation
  • Greasy coat
  • Dry scales that are white or yellow
  • A distinct unpleasant smell similar to stale corn chips or sour milk
  • Thickened or discolored skin
  • Waxy discharge
  • Hotspots or lesions

If you notice any of these signs, book an appointment with your veterinarian who can examine your dog and determine if they have a yeast infection. For example, they can take a urine sample to identify which microorganisms are causing the infection.

If your dog’s skin is inflamed, the vet can analyze skin cells “by placing a piece of clear tape on the skin, adhesive side down or gently scraping the top layers of skin to collect cells and place on a microscope slide to look for organisms,” Dr. Hood says. “To definitively confirm that yeast overgrowth is involved, a swab of ear debris, if present, can be analyzed under the microscope to visually screen for yeast organisms.”

Treatment for Thrush in Dogs​

Yeast infections don’t just look and smell unpleasant. They can also cause your dog considerable discomfort. So, it’s best to have your dog seen by a veterinarian who can properly diagnose and recommend an appropriate course of treatment. Depending on how serious the infection is and where it’s located, treatment options for thrush will vary.

Australian Cattle Dog having its eyes checked by the vet.

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Topical Therapy​

Yeast infections can leave your dog feeling itchy and uncomfortable. For oily skin, you may need to use a degreasing shampoo to cleanse the skin before applying a medicated shampoo to treat the yeast. Products containing antifungal medications, such as ketoconazole, miconazole, or chlorhexidine, “can help soothe the skin and flush out the pores,” Dr. Hood says.

It’s best to consult your veterinarian about using medicated shampoo. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves when using any type of medicated shampoo. Typically, these shampoos need to remain on the skin for at least 10 minutes. Then, you’ll need to re-apply the shampoo every few days, and it can take several weeks to see improvement.

If a swab confirms that the ears are infected, you can use an ear cleaner to flush out wax and debris. “Cleaning the dog’s ears with a veterinarian-approved cleaner, such as those containing salicylic acid, can soothe the ear canal and disrupt an early infection,” she says. Depending on the severity of the infection, the vet may also prescribe medicated ear drops that contain antifungal medication.

Oral Medication​

“If topical therapy is not sufficient, starting oral anti-itch medication can help stop the cycle,” she says. The vet may prescribe oral antibiotics to get the bacterial overgrowth under control. Once that happens, the yeast population usually declines as well.

“There is an oral anti-yeast medication, however, it can cause bone marrow suppression and other side effects,” she says. “Therefore, it is not recommended as a first line of treatment for skin.”

Mixed breed getting its teeth checked at the vet.

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Ongoing Care​

For recurrent infections, your vet may recommend blood work to screen for underlying disease and immune system dysfunction. “Routine bathing with an aloe soap and oatmeal shampoo to gently cleanse the skin can help prevent flora overgrowth,” she says. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.

Dogs with recurrent yeast infections “may also benefit from a sensitive skin diet to reduce skin irritations,” she says. Monthly parasite control can also help guard against fleas, ticks, and other parasites that cause a dog to be itchy. Finally, yeast infections are likely to recur unless the underlying health issue is addressed through immune support, dietary changes, good hygiene such as routine bathing and grooming, or a combination of these strategies.

The post Thrush in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments appeared first on American Kennel Club.


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