Oliver Pet Care What is a Dog Knee Support?

What is a dog knee support or brace?

It is an external bandage type support for your dog’s knee (stifle) joint. The primary function of this support is ease of movement with support while reducing discomfort. The knee (known as the stifle for a dog) is a hinge joint. This means it is held together by muscles and tendons which may easily be damaged.

Quick anatomy guide of your dog’s knee​

The dog stifle or knee is composed of the thigh bone (femur) patella (knee) and the tibia and fibula (lower bones). Your dog’s knee experiences problems when the ligaments surrounding the joint are damaged or weakened.

dog knee brace near me
This is usually the point of pain or discomfort for senior or injured dogs
dog knee brace for luxating patella

The canine anatomy like any other animal needs attention and support when it is injured or in the case of a puppy developing incorrectly. This may be the result of breeding, improper exercise or nutrition.

My dog has a Patella Luxation​

Luxation means moving and patella means knee. So a joint (any joint in the body) which is not stable it can ‘pop out of place’ and move side to side causing lameness. Joints are stabilised by ligaments and muscles, which is why exercise is important to keep them stable and healthy.

How can I keep my dogs joints healthy?​

You begin with a healthy puppy which is only possible if the parents are healthy. For any species a healthy offspring free from diseases and malformation in the body are from a well nourished healthy parents. Just as human mothers can pass ill health to their unborn children through the umbilical chord which carriers nutrition to the foetus, so is the case with your puppy’s mother. A calm peaceful environment is also vital for a dog during pregnancy and delivery.

What treatments can be used for my dog’s stifle injury?​

Hydrotherapeutic Treatments what this means is that water in all its forms are used for therapy. It may include ice, water in a pool, or even gas. The treatment is usually decided by your dogs veterinarian or in consultation with a physiotherapist. It is important that a medical professional be involved in the decision of treatment for any condition because they know how to asses the extent of your dogs condition or injury.

Hydrotherapy is a beneficial exercise and practice but only when done under supervision. It is NOT your dog swimming in a pool. Swimming and hydrotherapy may be used synonymously but are completely independent events. Of course a swim benefits your dog, but not if he or she is injured.

How do I safely exercise my dog?​

Warm up, remember when you were in school your physical education teacher insisted you ‘warm up’ before class? The same advice for those of you who have ever attended a dance or exercise class. Especially in the morning, your dogs body like yours is stiff from a nights sleep. This is especially important for senior dogs who may take longer to move in the mornings. They also move slower especially as they age on walks.

Did you know Sniffing is good for your dog? It helps ease tension within the shoulders and vertebral column. It also stretches the ligaments along the back.1 Especially for those pet families who choose or rely on dog walkers. Dog behaviours and actions on a walk have significance, it is not a simple act of putting on a leash and leaving the house.

Healthy joints make for happy dogs.

Readings and References​

1Julia Robertson and Andrew Mead , Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog

Note: No part of this article is medical advise. Each dog’s condition is different and you should use and treat your dog as advised by your veterinarian or physiotherapist.


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