Animal Wellness Magazine 20 indoor winter activities for dogs and cats

Keep her happy and healthy during the colder months with 20 engaging indoor winter activities for dogs and cats.

Keeping your dog or cat healthy and happy is just as important during the winter as at other times of the year. But depending on where you live, the weather may often be too cold, snowy or icy to stay outside much. These 20 indoor winter activities for dogs and cats will help keep her fit and content through the winter – both physically and mentally.

Entertaining enrichment inside the house

1. Create new toys for your cat from cardboard paper towel rolls or crumpled paper balls.

2. Play tug of war with your dog’s favorite toy — you can make a tug toy by tying a clean hand towel/blanket into a knot. This can entertain her for hours, especially if treats and praise are involved!

3. Use laser light toys to play with your cat. Never flash the light into his eyes, and let him “catch” the light to satisfy his innate hunting skills.

4. Play games of hide and seek or chase with your dog. Remain in one or two large rooms and award her with extra cuddles when she finds or catches you!

5. Pretend to disappear behind a blanket in front of your dog by holding it up and stepping out of the room as it drops. Just make sure she’s able to find you quickly.

6. Blow bubbles for your dog or cat and watch his playful antics. Always use non-toxic, pet-friendly bubbles – you can purchase them online or at pet stores.

New indoor tricks and sports for fun and fitness

7. Indoors is the best place to teach your dog a new trick – and no animal is too old to learn! Tricks can include rolling over or balancing a treat on her nose.

8. Create an obstacle course for your dog or cat using household items such as blankets, towels, ramps, pop-up tunnels, boxes and poles. Keep your animal’s age and mobility in mind when you create the course. Start by guiding him through course a few times to help him learn the layout.

9. Do yoga with your dog or cat – animals often love being included in this relaxing form of exercise.

10. Take an indoor walk with your animal and add new sights (e.g. new toys) and smells (e.g. healthy treats for dogs, or catnip for cats) to the route to add interest and reward.

Learn how to give your dog or cat a massage.

Make healthy foods and treats part of the indoor fun

11. Bake a treat together with your dog or cat using animal-friendly ingredients. Keep her interested by giving her small samples to enjoy along the way (e.g. plain pumpkin, cheese, blueberries, etc.) Remember to strictly avoid chocolate, raisins and grapes. Don’t give her anything sugary.

12. Use puzzle toys/feeders to hide food or treats and encourage your animal to work for the reward.

13. Share mealtimes together. Feed your dog or cat at the same time you sit down for your own breakfast or dinner.

Comforting connections for cold days

14. Cuddle with your dog or cat while watching a funny or heartfelt movie or holiday flick. Or watch silly animal videos together on TikTok or YouTube – you’ll love seeing your dog or cat’s reactions to these!

15. Perform a physical “tail to nose” examination of your dog or cat while you’re relaxing together. He’ll enjoy the physical contact. Thoroughly check for any unusual lumps or bumps, sore spots, or skin problems to bring to your veterinarian’s attention.

16. Learn how to massage your dog or cat. For example, T-Touch, gentle stretches, and ear scratches can be soothing. It helps ease pain and increase circulation (very beneficial for senior animals with mobility issues). You’ll find many guidebooks, videos, and classes for learning pet massage.

17. Read your dog or cat a story, or softly sing her a song. She’ll love listening to the sound of your voice even if she doesn’t understand the words.

18. Have your dog or cat participate in a Zoom session with a friend or family member. This will help prevent her socialization skills from getting rusty.

19. Meditate with your dog or cat nearby or on your lap. Just sitting quietly, focusing on your breathing and quieting your mind, can have a calming effect on your animal.

20. Curl up together for a winter’s nap, especially comforting after a long day of playing indoors!

Blow bubbles for your dog or cat and watch his playful antics.

These indoor winter activities for dogs and cats will entertain the whole family – human and animal. They can easily be interchanged or replayed on a daily basis. And don’t forget the best benefit of all. You’ll keep your dog or cat entertained, enriched, and exercised throughout the winter, while forming memories of joy and mischief!

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