American Kennel club How Invisible Fence® Brand Solutions Can Be Beneficial for Multi-Pet Households

Having multiple pets means enforcing multiple boundaries. For many homes, that means no cats on the couch, no dogs near the litter box, and nobody near the cookie jar. Yet, verbal cues like “off” and “get down” only go so far. It can sometimes feel impossible to monitor your pets’ behavior. Thankfully, there’s Invisible Fence® Brand.

Imagine a way to keep your pets away from household hazards like garbage cans when you’re not in the room, or an automatic door that only allows your dog in the backyard. That’s Invisible Fence® technology at work. This innovative four-part system creates a protective boundary inside or outside the home that reinforces training and works to keep your pet safe.

Invisible Fence® Brand Uses Technology to Set Boundaries​

Picture this: a household with free-roaming dogs, cats, and the occasional rabbit. There’s a baby gate to keep the bouncy adolescent dog away from the grouchy senior, along with a DIY laundry basket configuration to keep the dogs out of the cat’s food bowl. But, this isn’t a home. It’s an obstacle course!

With Invisible Fence® Brand, you can enjoy your home’s open floor plan while also creating Different Rules for Different Pets
so everyone can live in harmony. Here’s how it works: each pet wears an Invisible Fence® Computer Collar® receiver that is synced to the indoor or outdoor system. If your pet enters the signal field of the boundary, the collar issues a gentle correction to deter them. Over time, your dog will come to associate the sensation with entering an off-limits area and learn to avoid the boundary. Their certified pet experts help with this by guiding you and your pet through each phase of training providing adjustments and tips unique to your pets learning style.


©Evelina -

One of the key features of Invisible Fence® solutions is that it’s customizable based on your property’s layout, dog’s training level, and number of pets. From the very beginning, the Invisible Fence® Brand team works with you and helps you determine how you would like the boundary configured around your property.

It’s also important to know about your pet’s history and interests to adapt the training to their personality. “The customization continues for those with multiple pets. Invisible Fence® can create different and shared rules both in the home and at the boundary outside. In combination with other training methods, Invisible Fence® certified training is a helpful tool that goes beyond a security measure,” says Ashley Donegan, Invisible Fence® Regional Pet Trainer.

How Invisible Fence® Brand Benefits Multi-Pet Homes​

Boundary-setting tools offer several benefits to multi-pet households, such as:

  • Reinforcing boundaries and behaviors. Invisible Fence® Computer Collar Receivers work along with operant conditioning, a learning process that relies on rewards and correction to promote certain behaviors. In conjunction with this, the dog is taught they have agency to interact with the signal field (where the Computer Collar® unit activates) or not. This level of control coupled with the training ensures the dog will feel comfortable and confident within their boundary while understanding exactly where it activates along with how engage and disengage it appropriately. Over time, this training can teach your dog to remain within certain boundaries without needing constant supervision.
  • Preventing conflict. Keeping the peace is crucial in multi-pet households, and that sometimes means having animals keep their distance from each other. There may be a cat or an older geriatric pet who does not want to play 24/7 with the younger dog and needs an area they can relax away from the chaos of the home. Perhaps one pet requires a prescription diet while the other does not. Maybe there is the potential for conflict stemming from resource guarding around the food bowl or toys. Or maybe one pet has permission that other pet does not, like going into the kid’s room, sleeping on the bed, or being able to access the office room. All of these common issues can be resolved with Invisible Fence® Indoor and Outdoor solutions. These solutions have the ability to set Different Rules for Different Pets
    giving access to an area for one pet but not the other.
  • Promoting safety. Dogs explore the world with their mouths, and unfortunately, this can lead to accidentally ingesting something they shouldn’t, from prescription medications to chocolate. Never mind that a dog who counter-surfs to get these items could accidentally turn on the stove. Being social creatures, most dogs want to greet people when first entering the home, and not always appropriately. Invisible Fence® Brand allows pet owners to control access to parts of the home they don’t want pets to enter. This can create a buffer zone around the front door, or even prevent dogs from entering the laundry room, investigating kitchen counters and tables, or being underfoot in the kitchen.

Biewer Terrier running in the grass with a ball.

©Marcel Jancovic Photographer -

Invisible Fence® Brand users should make sure they have proper snug collar fit and working battery to guarantee success with the system while in use. If you see the pet continue to test the system or patrol the fence’s perimeter, this could signal that your dog needs exercise and enrichment. Their local teammates are always available for additional training support if you feel your pet needs a little bit more help grasping the system.

Invisible Fence® solutions are a multi-faceted system that serves as both a training tool and an extra layer of protection. But perhaps the greatest benefits aren’t just in setting boundaries – it’s in the strides we make in understanding our pets’ behavior.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Shields® Solutions and Their Many Uses​

Invisible Fence® works both indoors and outdoors. When intended for outdoor use, an installation expert will come to your property and bury an insulated cable just beneath your lawn’s grass line. A control panel sends digital radio signals through the cable. As the dog approaches the designated boundary, the Computer Collar® receiver they wear identifies their proximity to the radio signal and activates. The level of correction the Computer Collar® unit gives is programmed individually to that unit and is based on the individual pet, their learning style, where they are in the training process and their motivators. You have a say in your unit’s protective boundary, and you can make changes at any time.

Outdoor Pet Shields® products have virtually endless uses. They are particularly great for preventing your dog from accessing areas within your main boundary. You may want to keep your dog away from any toxic plants or digging in the garden, away from the koi pond, prevented from taking a potty break in the kids’ sandbox, or away from digging in the fire pit. Not to mention providing a buffer space around an outdoor dining area, or even creating a drop-off delivery area that is pet-free, so your packages don’t get chewed. There are no deep holes, need for concrete, or industrial-looking chain link. It’s a virtual barrier.


Vera Reva/Shutterstock

When intended for indoor use, Invisible Fence® solutions works on a smaller scale than the outdoor version. In place of underground cables, homeowners use the hand-sized Shield® units that create an avoidance area within the home. One in the bathroom to keep your pet away from the toilet paper roll, or in the kitchen to protect the recycling bin. Maybe you need one next to holiday decor, or even under the high chair to create a buffer zone for when food falls. The options are endless. You can set boundaries, turn Shields® on or off, and monitor other activity through a mobile app, always leaving you in control of your pet’s boundaries, even remotely.

Indoor Pet Shields® solutions are a game changer for households with animals varying in age, activity level, and temperament. Owners can calibrate their pets’ collars with different boundaries. For instance, you could have a setting that allows your cat on the couch but keeps your dog on the floor. With Indoor Pet Shields® products, your pets can enjoy greater independence within your limits.

Ways to Manage a Multi-Pet Household​

Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is just one of many ways to manage a harmonious multi-pet household. Beyond Invisible Fence® Brand solutions, you should:

  • Take new pet introductions slowly. Although dogs are pack animals, suddenly bringing home a new dog could prove overwhelming to your once-solitary pet. Start initial introductions in a neutral place, like a neighborhood park or a friend’s house. Then, ease both dogs into the relationship, monitoring their body language for signs of stress or excitement.
  • Keep to a schedule. Dogs thrive on familiarity and routine. Uncertainty about feeding times, bathroom breaks, and other activities could create tension among dogs in the household. Maintaining a regular schedule helps your dogs feel secure and less likely to engage in destructive behaviors.
  • Offer individualized attention. Don’t assume that your dogs get ample socialization and engagement from each other. While many dogs will enjoy spending time together after being properly introduced, it’s important to ensure each pet gets to spend time with you every day. Consistently provide each animal one-on-one attention. Not only does this strengthen your bond, but it also works to combat feelings of jealousy or envy among pets.

By taking introductions slowly, keeping a regular schedule, and spending quality time with your dogs, you can work to create a peaceful multi-pet home.

Scottish Terriers playing in the grass.

©CallallooFred -

Is a Multi-Pet Household Right for Your Dog?​

There are many things to consider when bringing home a new dog, from which breeds to consider to how much time you can commit to training. However, before considering the needs of a hypothetical new dog, it’s important to consider the needs of the dog you already own. While many dogs enjoy living with others, some dogs are more independent than others. Before acquiring another dog, ask yourself: “Would getting another dog add value to my dog’s life?”

If so, you’re in luck: Invisible Fence® Brand can serve as the framework for managing boundaries in a multi-pet household. There are many things to consider before adding another dog or pet to your household, but having physical boundaries can be a step in helping navigate the transition.

The post How Invisible Fence® Brand Solutions Can Be Beneficial for Multi-Pet Households appeared first on American Kennel Club.


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